Protseduralar va nazorat

Procedures & control

Ko’pgina avariyalar va yong’in hodisalari zavodni ishga tushirish va to’xtatish vaqtida ish tartib-qoidalarida to’g’ri qadamlarga rioya qilmaslik tufayli inson xatolari tufayli sodir bo’ladi.
Bizning texnologiyalarimiz operatorlarga eng muhim bosqichlarni to’g’ri va xavfsiz bajarish bo’yicha bosqichma-bosqich yo’l-yo’riq ko’rsatishga imkon beradi va barcha kerakli qadamlar bajarilmaguncha ular keyingi harakatga ruxsat etilmaydi. Haqiqiy vaqt ilovalari va rejalashtirish vositalari bilan to’liq integratsiya, shuningdek, rejachilar va rahbarlarga taraqqiyot holati haqida avtomatik ravishda xabar berishga imkon beradi.



Using new digital technologies such as augmented and virtual reality, Visiongear allows the Operator to access all the information he needs while operating in the field and receive real time support by Subject Matters Experts located remotely. Always connected, field operators can receive and visualize instructions on dedicated devices (wearable) and can execute tasks (with free hands) more effectively and efficiently.


The XR-STAR is the most complete Virtual Reality software platform available today on the market. It represents a new generation of Operation Training Solutions(OTS) based on immersive stereoscopic 3D Virtual Reality technologies.
It can be used for pre-visualization for construction, training of human resources, operational management and risk management.