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MRO buyumni saqlash yoki uning ish holatini tiklashga yordam beradigan har qanday harakatdir. Turli xil texnikalardan foydalanish mumkin. Rejalashtirilgan, bashoratli, profilaktika, muntazam bo’lmagan va o’chirish ta’mirlash kapital ta’mirlashning asosiy shakllaridir. Bizning yechimimiz ushbu amaliyotni turli texnologiyalar va mahsulotlar aralashmasi orqali qo’llab-quvvatlaydi.
Using new digital technologies such as augmented and virtual reality, Visiongear allows the Operator to access all the information he needs while operating in the field and receive real time support by Subject Matters Experts located remotely. Always connected, field operators can receive and visualize instructions on dedicated devices (wearable) and can execute tasks (with free hands) more effectively and efficiently.
The XR-STAR is the most complete Virtual Reality software platform available today on the market. It represents a new generation of Operation Training Solutions(OTS) based on immersive stereoscopic 3D Virtual Reality technologies.
It can be used for pre-visualization for construction, training of human resources, operational management and risk management.