Outsourcing services
Outsourcing services
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- Outsourcing services
Our outsourcing services are specifically aimed to fulfil your business needs. Whether you want to hire an entire remote team or you are just in need of extra hands for your current project, we have a pool of highly talented IT professionals who have years of experience up their sleeve.
Increase revenue and decrease costs
Hire your team or extend your in-house capabilities with our highly skilled remote professionals working from our offices internationally or deployed onsite. Get our remote services tailored to your requirements today.
Business challenges and complexities are increasing continuously, and companies need to scale their businesses the right way to get the competitive edge. Illogic helps you augment your in-house teams with its highly skilled and leading remote IT experts. With us, you can smartly reduce your costs while increasing your business efficiency. So, let the burden loose, with our solutions-based customized IT outsourcing services and take the lead.

Full Stack Developers
Our international teams of skilled, talented, and data-driven developers can take care of your organization’s needs for your front-end and back-end requirements. Our resources enjoy a high level of proficiency with back-end programming languages such as Python and experience in developing web applications via Angular, Flask, Django, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. Furthermore, our teams have in-depth knowledge of relational databases (e.g. MySQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g. MongoDB, Maria DB).

Software Architects
Our Software Architects have gained experience in Microservices Architecture and knowledge of Containers and Orchestration solutions (especially Kubernetes and Docker).
Familiarity/experience with public cloud infrastructure and technologies such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) is guaranteed and proficiency with Git and other essential software development tools.

Know how
On top of the listed competencies, our teams boast a strong computational background, especially in the fields of Machine Learning and Computer Vision. The solid knowledge of Python programming language brought about the know-how to operate with Python ML/DL libraries and frameworks (e.g. TensorFlow, Keras, Pytorch) and computer vision libraries (e.g. Opencv). Furthermore, we possess long experience in Deep Learning and convolutional neural networks architectures.