Competence Center: Turin has the lead over Milan, Pisa and Bologna in to the 4.0 industry race.
Competence Center: Turin has the lead over Milan, Pisa and Bologna in to the 4.0 industry race.

The project lead by the Polytechnic of Turin is the first in the ministerial ranking.
Turin is going to have a leading Competence Center on the Industry 4.0. Its role will be to support SMEs in innovative projects aimed to the creation of new products, processes or services thanks to advanced technologies in the field of Industry 4.0.
The Ministry of Economic Development has drawn up a statistics whose results are evident: the project lead by the Polytechnic of Turin is at the first place of the ranking. Thanks to its 9 points obtained, the plan drawn up in Turin has been selected as the best, even compared to those lead by the Polytechnic of Milan, the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna and the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa.
The University and the Polytechnic of Turin have worked on this project, titled “Manufacturing 4.0” with the support of 27 companies, that submitted an expression of interest. Illogic is among these companies.
The forthcoming Turin center will be focused on the advanced manufacturing and therefore on new technologies, based mainly on the capillary introduction of digital innovation along the whole chain of production processes, combined with new economic models, a new organization of work and new internal and external company social relationships.
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