Join Illogic at VR Expo 2018 – The VR/AR fair on 5/6 July in Stuttgart
Join Illogic at VR Expo 2018 – The VR/AR fair on 5/6 July in Stuttgart

The 2nd edition of VR Expo, organized by the Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) will be held in the ARENA 2036 which is not only special because of its industrial character and its focus on future developments but also because it´s located on the campus of the University of Stuttgart. This offers visitors the opportunity to test large-scale VR installations and take a look inside at VR labs.
Illogic, VDC partner, will show its ultimate projects and research developments on Virtual, Augmented and Assisted Reality: for the occasion, we’ll set up a demo-area where guests can test the usability of our solutions by the use of handling and wearable devices (MS Hololens, HTC Vive, …).
Come on and join us in the ARENA 2036, booth D1!