A4LBLUE team in Turin for the 7th project meeting
A4LBLUE team in Turin for the 7th project meeting

From 15th to 17th October, A4BLUE partners met in Turin, Italy, to analyse the impressive results obtained in the framework of the 4 use cases where the A4BLUE system is being instantiated and validated.
A4BLUE (Adaptive Automation in Assembly for BLUE collar workers satisfaction in Evolvable context) proposes the development and evaluation of a new generation of sustainable and adaptive workplaces dealing with the evolving requirements of manufacturing processes and human variability. For this, A4BLUE is working to introduce adaptive automation mechanisms to help workers in execute their tasks in a more efficient and secure way, as well as to provide them with personalized worker assistance systems including Virtual and Augmented Reality and knowledge management system to support them in the assembly and training related activities.
See the video gallery here and watch the videos illustrating our use cases.