Italian E-learning 5G project
Italian E-learning 5G project

Illogic and Area, presented to MISE the project: Italian E-learning 5G project.
A #technology-intensive system (virtual reality and artificial intelligence) that will draw significant optimizations from the potential of 5g network (connection speed/data throughput, low latency, mimo IoT)
The system will offer migrant students the opportunity to learn and practice Italian (to get to the level needed to attain Italian citizenship), in a synthetic environment (a scenario-immersive that reproduces the context in which a situation takes place: i.e. scenario-#immersive-training) with an Avatar (using different film and animation algorithms) that mimics the culture, behavior and gestures of native Italian speakers.
Avatar responds naturally to students, creating authentic conversations with deep language immersion.
The implementation of the experiment will take advantage of the collaboration with the Italian Football Federation and in particular one of its many social responsibility initiatives. The project will be aimed at the Youth and School Sector and more specifically at the beneficiaries of the #Refugee Teams Project, an initiative promoted in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior, ANCI, the Cittalia Foundation and SAI (Sistema Accoglienza e Integrazione) Network.